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Social Awareness

Free sms Alert About Smoking:

smokingeffects  SMS Alert is a FREE service that is available to any one with an Indian mobile number.


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You can invite friends to subscribe to smokingeffects SMS alerts too.
To invite someone you need to know his/her phone number.
To invite through your phone, simply send an SMS with the format ‘invite
smokingeffects ’ to 9870807070.

We’ll send an SMS to the number specified by you and the receiver needs to respond with ‘ON smokingeffects message to complete the subscription.

Send “ON smokingeffects SMS to 9870807070 and you’ll start receiving our alerts.


For sending “ON smokingeffects” you’ll be charged between 50 Paise to Rs 2, as per the rate of your service provider, however, this is the only time you pay. All SMS Alerts delivered to your inbox are absolutely free of cost.

You can easily unsubscribe to this service by sending “Off smokingeffects to 9870807070

Health issues related to smoking

There are a multitude of health risks associated with smoking tobacco.  Smoking cigarettes negatively effects every organ in the human body.  Smoking kills more people in the India on a yearly bases then murder, AIDS, car accidents, suicide, and drug overdoses combined.  It is said that for every cigarette someone smokes it is taking 10.7 minutes of their life.  Over a lifetime of smoking that is 14 years of their life taken away.  Certain cigarettes contain over 4,000 ingredients, and when they are burned produce over 200 chemicals, a lot of those are proven to damage the lungs.

There are over 4,000 additives to cigarettes, and over 200 
compound chemicals in a burnign cigarette.

Smoking can effect the skin in different areas like around the mouth, many people that smoke for extended periods of time get smokers mouth.  It is a condition where the elasticity of the skin around the mouth stretches out and becomes permanent.  This gives the impression that they are puckering their lips.

Smoking can cause gum disease, and tooth decay.Smoking can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and also bad breath.  It also stains the teeth making them yellow.  Smokers are also known to get headaches due to lack of oxygen to the brain.  The cause of this is the narrowing of the blood vessels to the brain that carry oxygen, this narrowing can also lead to strokes.

The next parts of your body that can be effected from smoking are your lungs and bronchial tubes.  Chronic smoking produces Hydrogen Cyanide and other harmful chemicals that deteriorate the lining of your bronchi.  This will make them inflamed  and causing smokers to get chronic smoker's cough.  The weakening of your bronchi also makes you become more prone to bronchial infections.  It is said that smokers are 10 times more likely to get lung cancer and emphysema then non-smokers.

There are a string of things that smoking does to your heart as well.  The product that smoking makes called nicotine raises your blood pressure and makes clotting of the blood easier.  Carbon monoxide another derivative of smoking robs the blood of valuable oxygen that the heart needs which leads to the development of cholesterol deposits on the artery walls.  These all add up to a increased risk of a heart attack or stroke.  Smoking can also cause loss of circulation in your toes and fingers, and cause impotence.

Chronic coughing is a cause of smoking.Other parts of the body are also effected, the digestive system can be infected.  The tar in cigarette smoke can cause throat, and esophagus cancer.  Smoking also increases the acid secretion in the stomach which causes heartburn and ulcers.  Smokers also have an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, and you can get bladder cancer which is often fatal because of the carcinogens being excreted in the urine.  The high blood pressure from smoking can also damage the kidneys as well.

There are also risks for people that are around you when you smoke, second hand smoke is almost as dangerous as smoking the cigarette yourself.  It is estimated that over 46,000 people die each year from heart disease, and over 3,500 deaths due to lung cancer from second hand smoke.  Smoking is not only dangerous for yourself, but also dangerous for people that live around you.  There are many reasons to stop smoking and hopefully reading these thing will help you decide to stop.

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Social awareness can help quit smoking. Individuals should understand the pros and cons of their habits...............................

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